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Organization Details
Administrator Details
-- Select Organization Country --
Afghanistan - (AF)
Albania - (AL)
Algeria - (DZ)
Andorra - (AD)
Angola - (AO)
Antigua and Barbuda - (AG)
Argentina - (AR)
Armenia - (AM)
Australia - (AU)
Austria - (AT)
Azerbaijan - (AZ)
Bahamas - (BS)
Bahrain - (BH)
Bangladesh - (BD)
Barbados - (BB)
Belarus - (BY)
Belgium - (BE)
Belize - (BZ)
Benin - (BJ)
Bhutan - (BT)
Bolivia - (BO)
Bosnia and Herzegovina - (BA)
Botswana - (BW)
Brazil - (BR)
Brunei - (BN)
Bulgaria - (BG)
Burkina Faso - (BF)
Burundi - (BI)
Cabo Verde - (CV)
Cambodia - (KH)
Cameroon - (CM)
Canada - (CA)
Central African Republic - (CF)
Chad - (TD)
Chile - (CL)
China - (CN)
Colombia - (CO)
Comoros - (KM)
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) - (CG)
Costa Rica - (CR)
Croatia - (HR)
Cuba - (CU)
Cyprus - (CY)
Czechia (Czech Republic) - (CZ)
Denmark - (DK)
Djibouti - (DJ)
Dominica - (DM)
Dominican Republic - (DO)
Ecuador - (EC)
Egypt - (EG)
El Salvador - (SV)
Equatorial Guinea - (GQ)
Eritrea - (ER)
Estonia - (EE)
Eswatini - (SZ)
Ethiopia - (ET)
Fiji - (FJ)
Finland - (FI)
France - (FR)
Gabon - (GA)
Gambia - (GM)
Georgia - (GE)
Germany - (DE)
Ghana - (GH)
Greece - (GR)
Grenada - (GD)
Guatemala - (GT)
Guinea - (GN)
Guinea-Bissau - (GW)
Guyana - (GY)
Haiti - (HT)
Honduras - (HN)
Hungary - (HU)
Iceland - (IS)
India - (IN)
Indonesia - (ID)
Iran - (IR)
Iraq - (IQ)
Ireland - (IE)
Israel - (IL)
Italy - (IT)
Jamaica - (JM)
Japan - (JP)
Jordan - (JO)
Kazakhstan - (KZ)
Kenya - (KE)
Kiribati - (KI)
Kuwait - (KW)
Kyrgyzstan - (KG)
Laos - (LA)
Latvia - (LV)
Lebanon - (LB)
Lesotho - (LS)
Liberia - (LR)
Libya - (LY)
Liechtenstein - (LI)
Lithuania - (LT)
Luxembourg - (LU)
Madagascar - (MG)
Malawi - (MW)
Malaysia - (MY)
Maldives - (MV)
Mali - (ML)
Malta - (MT)
Marshall Islands - (MH)
Mauritania - (MR)
Mauritius - (MU)
Mexico - (MX)
Micronesia - (FM)
Moldova - (MD)
Monaco - (MC)
Mongolia - (MN)
Montenegro - (ME)
Morocco - (MA)
Mozambique - (MZ)
Myanmar (Burma) - (MM)
Namibia - (NA)
Nauru - (NR)
Nepal - (NP)
Netherlands - (NL)
New Zealand - (NZ)
Nicaragua - (NI)
Niger - (NE)
Nigeria - (NG)
North Korea - (KP)
North Macedonia - (MK)
Norway - (NO)
Oman - (OM)
Pakistan - (PK)
Palau - (PW)
Panama - (PA)
Papua New Guinea - (PG)
Paraguay - (PY)
Peru - (PE)
Philippines - (PH)
Poland - (PL)
Portugal - (PT)
Qatar - (QA)
Romania - (RO)
Russia - (RU)
Rwanda - (RW)
Saint Kitts and Nevis - (KN)
Saint Lucia - (LC)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - (VC)
Samoa - (WS)
San Marino - (SM)
Sao Tome and Principe - (ST)
Saudi Arabia - (SA)
Senegal - (SN)
Serbia - (RS)
Seychelles - (SC)
Sierra Leone - (SL)
Singapore - (SG)
Slovakia - (SK)
Slovenia - (SI)
Solomon Islands - (SB)
Somalia - (SO)
South Africa - (ZA)
South Sudan - (SS)
Spain - (ES)
Sri Lanka - (LK)
Sudan - (SD)
Suriname - (SR)
Sweden - (SE)
Switzerland - (CH)
Syria - (SY)
Taiwan - (TW)
Tajikistan - (TJ)
Tanzania - (TZ)
Thailand - (TH)
Timor-Leste - (TL)
Togo - (TG)
Tonga - (TO)
Trinidad and Tobago - (TT)
Tunisia - (TN)
Turkey - (TR)
Turkmenistan - (TM)
Tuvalu - (TV)
Uganda - (UG)
Ukraine - (UA)
United Arab Emirates - (AE)
United Kingdom - (GB)
United States - (US)
Uruguay - (UY)
Uzbekistan - (UZ)
Vanuatu - (VU)
Vatican City - (VA)
Venezuela - (VE)
Vietnam - (VN)
Yemen - (YE)
Zambia - (ZM)
Zimbabwe - (ZW)
-- Select Organization Category --
Bill Payment Services
Crowdfunding & Peer-to-Peer Lending
Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
Digital & Neobanking
E-commerce Payment Processing
Insurance Services
Loan Services
Merchant Services & Payment Processing
Microfinance Banking
Mobile Money Services
Mortgage & Home Financing
Payment Gateway Solutions
Pension & Retirement Planning
POS Services (Point of Sale)
Real Estate Investment
Stock Trading & Brokerage
VTU Services (Virtual Top-Up)
-- Select Currency --
British Pound Sterling - (GBP)
Canadian Dollar - (CAD)
Euro - (EUR)
Nigerian Naira - (NGN)
United States Dollar - (USD)
-- Select Gender --
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